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Did you know?
We have released modern and up-to-date versions of our screen capture software. These new apps make use of the latest Apple APIs, providing a performant and seamless experience.iShowU V6 - realtime screen recording
iShowU V6 replaces iShowU Instant (upgrade here).
We've taken the best features of Instant, and rewritten iShowU V6 from the ground up to be the best realtime screen recording tool on the planet.
iShowU Instant is able to record up to 60fps, optional preview, dual 'basic' and 'advanced' user interfaces, GIF generation, H264, JPEG and Prores
codecs, audio
dynamics processors and even
a basic editing!
iShowU Studio 2 - screen recording with built in editing
iShowU Studio lets you record like the previous iShowU apps, but includes a full featured "post" editing solution in a single app.
You can add shapes, pointers, highlight areas, freeze frame, add additional audio (either from a mic or existing media), additional movies and more.