iShowU Studio 2
Video editing so simple, it's elegant! requires OS X 10.14 or lateriShowU Studio 2
Video editing so simple, it's elegant!Improved capture & speed

Simpler capture settings
A reworked capture interface makes the app clearer & simper to use. Joy! It's easy to choose a single window of an app, the whole screen or any area of your choice. The selection area can be nudged using the cursor keys, so it's easy to line up exactly.
Retina support
Retina users, you now have the option to record at retina resolutions with just a simple click. The UI will also summarize what's going to happen before you press record.
It's a speed thing
We spent some quality time looking into capture performance, improving the combined screen & camera case by up to 10x!
Streamlined editing
Keep calm and carry on
The editing timeline is now a place of peace and serenity.
Segments appear with consistent sizes, the timeline can be resized vertically to your liking, and there are shortcuts that let you zoom in/out and fit the project into the current view size. Bliss.

Accessible Properties
Properties are now embedded into the main editing window, making them easier to find.
Panels for transitions, media and info have been moved into the same space, resulting in an environment that is more ordered, with all editing components being accessible from one place.
Easy animated GIFs/PNGs
We've added animated exports, and made it really simple to create many animations from one project.
Just select the range you want to export, choose Animated GIF/Animated PNG from the export options, and hit Enter. Done!

Say "Hi" to Transitions
Create beautiful movies
Transitions make their debut in Studio 2! It's now trivial to create awesome animations between various elements of your project. Studio 2 comes with:
- Fade to black / white / color
- Crossfade
- Crossfade with Blur
- Ripple
- Bars swipe
- Push left, right, up or down
- Copy machine
- Page curl
- Flash
- Shaped Holes

Child's play to use
Transitions can be created by dragging them directly on top of segments in the timeline, or if you prefer, you can use shortcuts to create them.
Changing their durations is easy, just drag the edges. If you're a shortcut fan it's even faster!... press Ctrl-D, type in a number. Hit enter. Done.
It's that simple!
Expressive Export
Pick your format
Studio 2 lets you export in H.264, JPEG, ProRes 422 & ProRes 4444. New options have been added to let you export your project at 1:1, exactly the same size as your original recording.
Retina support built-in
For recordings made from a retina Mac, iShowU now lets you export in retina sizes. Common reductions are also available, making it easier than ever to produce scaled down versions if required.
Of course, commonly used web video presets such as 1080p are still available.

Export selected ranges
With Studio 2, you can now select a range to export, and create a movie from that range. This is really useful if you're sharing the results of a partially complex project for review, or if you want to create animated GIFs (or PNGs) over a small region. Just select Export Range... from the File menu, then choose the range. Studio 2 will create a movie containing only that selection. Yay!
But wait, there's more!
Automatic audio fades
Audio crossfades are inserted for you when you add transitions. Net result? To fade audio, you need do nothing.
Your own style
Set the colours, border and fill properties for shapes, media and text to your own liking.
Improved Performance
Combined screen & camera capture performance improved as much as 10x! Capture smoother than ever before!
Better formatting
Align the edges of your objects right, left, top, bottom or on the centered of an axis. Distribute along horizontal or vertical axis or both. Studio 2 gives you precise control.