Where did iShowU Instant go?
iShowU Instant is now end of life
Where did iShowU Instant go?
iShowU Instant has been replaced by iShowU V6, as of 17th May 2024.
That doesn't mean it's dead and gone, more that the current product is now V6 (and that's also where my focus is). If you've a machine running macOS 12 or earlier, then iShowU Instant is still a great choice!
There will always be a link to all of our legacy builds in the footer of the website.
Thank you for using iShowU Instant (and our other products), and I hope you enjoy the new iShowU V6.

iShowU V6
Simple recording, awesome results.- Simple and Pro mode user interfaces, built in
- AI background removal, built in masking, and custom camera backgrounds
- No audio driver required for recording application audio!
- Full layer based realtime rendering, including screen, window, ios screen, ios camera, webcam recording and more...